Upcoming Shows - In the Works:

January 29, 2012
Sunday 5-7pm
Latino Theater Company Play Reading
Los Angeles Theater Center
514 S. Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013

March 13, 2012
UCLA Asian American Studies 187A
Professor Valerie Matsumoto
"Exploring Ethnic Cultural Arts through Oral History"

March 29, 2012
Thursday 6:30-9:30pm
Break the Silence Open Mic held at
The Manazar Gamboa Community Theater
1323 Gundry Ave. Long Beach, CA, 90813

April 4, 2012
Wednesday 11-1pm
Cal Arts in Valencia
Theater History
Professor Chantal Rodriguez E108

Los Angeles, CA
Produced by TeAda Productions and The Latino Theater Company
May 31 - June 24, 2012
Thursday-Saturday 8pm, Sunday 3pm
General $30|Students/Seniors/Groups: $20
Los Angeles Theater Center
514 S. Spring St
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Fall 2012-Portland, OR
Fall 2012-Vermont
Stay tuned for times and locations.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sleepless in Seattle

When you tour with a 5 month old...sleep deprivation is eminent. Say, you have a performance at 7:30pm and end at 9:30pm...you got out with fans and colleagues aftewards and soon realize time has passed. Next thing you know...you'll be up at 2AM or 4AM for the feeding, cleaning and changing of your 5 month old. We are lucky that our boy is one of the most social, calm and very friendly baby.

Seattle is done. We leave Sea-town with a warm send off. Our three performances at the Ethnic Cultural Theater brought in approximately 250 new audience members who had a chance to experience Refugee Nation. The demographics of various ages and ethnicities is the most impressive. Our Saturday matinee surprisingly brought Laotian families from elementary school children to grandparents. We had a very successful outcome that I feel made quite an impression and impact on the community in Seattle. We heard wonderful responses to the play like "I wish more people could see this...I wish I had told my friend or family about this...they should come." All these responses make me realize the great work that we do, the high quality of acting and presentation and the commitment we have to our theater art.

Thank you Seattle for a wonderful time. Lao Heritage Foundation: Major round of applause for master host Pom, Phon & Ravi Khampradith. They are such a busy family and with the heart of giving. There home is a cultural center for the Lao, especially for Kinnaly Dance Troupers. Big sisters Olivia, Jennifer and Phonetip are emerging leaders. Thanks for the fun times, laughter and taking our "boys" Litdet and Kedar out for a Seattle night to remember. Joseph Mills and Franklin High School Southeast Asian youth who had the joy of experiencing a Refugee Nation theater workshop as well as seeing a phenomenal life changing play. I hope we inspired you to seek your desires to serve not just your own personal dreams but your communities. Joseph came twice to see with many of the boys in tow. Ekkarath Sisavathdy and Lina Older of Highline Community College are the most warm and supportive new friends we have made. Aside from squeezing us in to the API event early on our arrival to Seattle...we ended our last presentation and workshop at Highline with over 60 adult ESL students represented globally from every continent some countries even new to our vocabulary. We had an amazing workshop and presentation and afterwards were treated to fine dining at a restaurant by the waters of Puget Sound. Blessings to Sakuna Thongchanh and her family for being such great supporters.