Upcoming Shows - In the Works:

January 29, 2012
Sunday 5-7pm
Latino Theater Company Play Reading
Los Angeles Theater Center
514 S. Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013

March 13, 2012
UCLA Asian American Studies 187A
Professor Valerie Matsumoto
"Exploring Ethnic Cultural Arts through Oral History"

March 29, 2012
Thursday 6:30-9:30pm
Break the Silence Open Mic held at
The Manazar Gamboa Community Theater
1323 Gundry Ave. Long Beach, CA, 90813

April 4, 2012
Wednesday 11-1pm
Cal Arts in Valencia
Theater History
Professor Chantal Rodriguez E108

Los Angeles, CA
Produced by TeAda Productions and The Latino Theater Company
May 31 - June 24, 2012
Thursday-Saturday 8pm, Sunday 3pm
General $30|Students/Seniors/Groups: $20
Los Angeles Theater Center
514 S. Spring St
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Fall 2012-Portland, OR
Fall 2012-Vermont
Stay tuned for times and locations.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

New York or BUST!

Ova and I are packing for our month long stay in New York City! We are excited and nervous. So much to do before we leave town. We will be staying in a loft in Brooklyn where we can also rehearse and write. We want to take what we did at Highways last Sunday and tighten up the script and the performance. We also want to work on the movement which means for the both of us a LOT more exercise and getting in shape. So we plan to workout, rehearse hard and walk all over the city. Why am I nervous, because I sure hope we get an audience! Ova's family is coming all the way from Hawai'i to see the show. And apparently we have family in New York and Vermont! So it looks like we might even get to meet some new Laotian Family members! Hope I get some sleep tonight! - Leilani